Charlie Hayward is a storyboard specialist with the talent and skill to visualise a director’s vision quickly, efficiently and in a style perfectly suited to the project aesthetic. Flexible, fast and concise, he knows the ropes and is ready to deliver.
Charlie has worked with a range of the world’s top storyboarding agencies, both as an artist and as a project manager. He’s quick to grasp the objectives of each project and what it aims to communicate, producing a visual narrative that not only catches the eye but also conveys the ambiance or feeling of the piece.
Among his clients – which include some of the world’s biggest brands – Charlie has a reputation for speed, image quality and attention to detail. As well as many years of experience in the industry, he has a degree in Illustration from Kingston University. One of his greatest creative heroes is Mac Conner, the leading storyboard artist of the madmen era.
Charlie works predominantly in Photoshop. “I like to keep a depth of field within my images, pulling focus on the central hero or product in the story, drawing the eye to the main interest of that section of story,” he explains.Styles
Like all the best storyboard artists, Charlie varies his style to suit the project. He can deliver projects in full-colour, ultrarealistic style; using minimal black and white linework that relies on his expert drafting skills; or anywhere in between.