
Dan Couto

Dan Couto

Dan Couto - Canada based illustrator

丹·库托(Dan Couto)是多伦多的插画师,他运用CG的魔力形象化了全球各大品牌的迷人人物,逼真的风景和华丽的产品效果图。他经验丰富,富有创造力和适应能力强,他的客户赞扬他为每个项目带来的专业水平。
Coming from a photography background, Dan was one of the first artists in Canada to add 3D to his creative arsenal and has led the field ever since. The talent to create such striking imagery is one thing, but clients also appreciate the way he communicates the possibilities and complexities of CG in a fun and accessible way. Influenced by comic book and fantasy artworks, the world’s top fashion magazines and painters ranging from Caravaggio to Klimt, it’s no surprise that Dan’s compositions are so eye-catching.


Dan brings a photographer’s eye to his work however his compositional sense is informed by the graphic approach seen in comic book panels and page layouts. Colour treatments and so forth are driven by the nature of the project. His creative palette includes Cinema4D, ZBrush, Houdini, Blender, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.


There are two main styles in Dan’s body of work. The first is photo-realistic 3D imagery. The second he characterises as ‘movies-on-paper’ – using characters, CGI, digital assets and 3D software to create worlds and tell stories.


Daniel的一些客户包括“航空里程”,“丑角书”,“哈珀集市”,Glen Moray Whisky,Tim Horton's,Listerine,Petra Foods和Growers Cider。
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
CGI 渲染的马卡龙
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
旋转的绿色布料 3D 和 CGI​​ 渲染
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
酸西瓜糖 CGI 图像
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
POLITICO 杂志关于食物的封面
Dan Couto
Tim Hortons 汤品促销动图
Dan Couto
在 GIF 动画中培育植物
Dan Couto
Life Savers 糖果的食物插图
Dan Couto
Dermalogica.com 的循环宣传秀
Dan Couto
字母 A 的动画 gif
Dan Couto
大肠杆菌的 GIF 动画
Dan Couto
Dan Couto 的 hedkandi 字体设计
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dare Candy Co Real 水果软糖包装插图
Dan Couto
逼真的 Idole 瓶子
Dan Couto
Dior Hydra Life Masque 包装插图
Dan Couto
Dior Hydra Life 精华液插图
Dan Couto
Dior 广告作品:Hydra Life 特写
Dan Couto
移液器和细胞 gif 插图
Dan Couto
吉列 Fusion 的图形描述
Dan Couto
Roffler 复古吹风机,照片逼真
Dan Couto
Stillhouse Moonshine 的电子版
Dan Couto
Glen Moray 威士忌酒杯的 3D 插图
Dan Couto
螺丝刀的 CGI 渲染图
Dan Couto
冰淇淋吧的 CGI 设计
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Yetter 设备的引人注目的艺术品
Dan Couto
CGI EAT 霓虹灯标志插图,作者:Dan Couto
Dan Couto
巧克力奶油冰棒配冷冻烧伤 3D 插图
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Trophy 牛奶巧克力腰果
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Tim Hortons 汤罐插图,作者:Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
Dan Couto
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