Josefinas, who are known for their beautiful handmade shoes have launched 'Collections', a T-Shirt line that aims to support female victims of domestic violence. The brand says, "‘Collections’ also has a deeper meaning: the three t-shirts support victims of domestic violence through Brooke Axtell’s organization ‘She is Rising’, a healing community for women and girls overcoming rape, abuse and sex trafficking. 20% of sales go directly to ‘She is Rising’, providing life changing services like safety planning, counseling and mentoring." Launched in the middle of New York fashion Week, the t-shirts illustrate the three common excuses women give about their injuries; 'I walked into something'. 'I ran into the door' and 'I fell down the stairs', all captured by Jacqueline in a beautiful yet shocking way. The campaign is getting great coverage and support on social media, and strives to bring the fashion industry together for the campaign.