East meets West in a brilliant fusion of colour, imagination and traditional-style brushwork with each painting Sija Hong creates for her clients. Whether it’s publishing, packaging, digital campaigns or outdoor murals, her work catches the eye, makes an impression and then calls on viewers to look a little more closely thanks to its amazing creatures, bright patterns and finer detail.
Sija was born in Changsha in Central China, but is now based in Brooklyn, New York. As reflected in her artwork, her inspiration comes from both her motherland and the excitement of living in her new city. She’s constantly observing life and the details around her, as well as reflecting on her Asian culture. Fantasy, a sense of wonder and social issues all play strong roles in Sija’s creativity.
With work featured in Creative Quarterly, 3x3 and Spectrum and some impressive awards already on her shelf, Sija has laid the groundwork for a strong career in illustration. Her future plans also include exploring the rest of the United States, and learning to play guitar.
Sija studied fashion design and has a Masters degree in Fine Art from Syracuse University in New York.
Using traditional brushes, inks and watercolours to begin the process, Sija first paints her patterns, creatures and characters in flowing linework. When the composition is complete, she scans it in and perfects the colour digitally.
The great strength of Sija’s work is in the way she combines Eastern and Western elements to create something new and fresh. Chinese-style brushwork lays the foundations, but her use of contemporary colour palettes and treatment of modern themes is something exciting and different in the world of illustration.
Art Directors Club – The Young Ones Portfolio Award – Silver – 2018
Creative Quarterly 52 – Illustration: Student – Winner – 2018xClient list
Scientific American
People's Literature Publishing House
Tsinghua University Press
Valiant Entertainment
UID Works
Quingdao Publishing Group