Ep 202: Nutrition, whole body mental health & creativity with Kimberley Wilson

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Ep 202: Nutrition, whole body mental health & creativity with Kimberley Wilson
We all know - on some level at least - the importance of good nutrition for good health. But how many of us equate it to effective creativity? It took me the longest time to start eating, every day, to fuel a firing brain, and positive mood, to give myself the best chance of hitting my optimal performance zone. It's been a revelation, and that was in part to do with Kimberley Wilson. Kimberley is a psychologist specialising in nutrition, who educates about 'whole body mental health.' Kimberley's life-altering book, 'Unprocessed: How the Food We Eat is Fuelling the Mental Health Crisis' paints an equal part frightening, and revelatory picture of how severe the lack of nutritional education is, and what it means for all of us. We discuss many of the topics, and what we can do to improve our health for better creativity. https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/unprocessed-how-the-food-we-eat-is-fuelling-our-mental-health-crisis-kimberley-wilson/7073333?ean=9780753559741 https://www.kimberleywilson.co/about The show is supported by founding sponsor and B-Corp, Illustration X: https://illustrationx.com https://bentallon.com https://bentallonwriter.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-tallon-a822a725/
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