The Impulse

Ing Lee illustrates her second book for South Korean author Sohn Won-pyung, 'The Impulse', published by Rocco.

The novel tells the story of Andreas Kim Seonggon, a man who feels he has failed in every aspect of life—professionally, financially, and within his family. Even when contemplating the end, a trivial detail prevents him from following through: the unappealing idea of diving into a dark river. However, this low moment becomes a turning point when Seonggon becomes fixated on correcting his posture, sparking small but meaningful changes in his life. These seemingly minor adjustments lead to a broader transformation, not just for him but for those around him as well.

Won-pyung Sohn's novel explores the power of persistence and personal growth, following Seonggon as he learns to face life's challenges. This book echoes themes from Sohn's earlier work, 'Almonds', which also featured a cover illustrated by Ing. While 'Almonds' delved into the life of a boy struggling to connect with others, 'The Impulse' focuses on the transformative journey of a man at rock bottom, who learns that the path to recovery often begins with the smallest of steps.

At the recent São Paulo International Book Biennial, Rocco, the publisher of both books, showcased 'Almonds' in a unique way. They recreated a secondhand bookshop using Ing's artwork from the cover, offering visitors the experience of stepping into her art.

book cover
ing lee
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