Exclusively representing

Marta Spendowska

Marta Spendowska
Family Olympics
Family Olympics
Working for Waitrose Weekend, Mark Watkinson illustrates a family Olympics tournament.
Family Olympics
Mark Watkinson's SCRAPBOOK
Mark Watkinson's SCRAPBOOK
Next in our Interview with an Illustrator series we talk to illustrator Mark Watkinson
Mark Watkinson's SCRAPBOOK
How does the Tube work?
How does the Tube work?
Mark Watkinson draws a cut-away illustration for The Week Junior.
How does the Tube work?
Illustrator Profile - Mark Watkinson
Illustrator Profile - Mark Watkinson
Mark's style is graphic with strong lines, he loves to keep his work clean, clear and simple.
Illustrator Profile - Mark Watkinson
What Time's Dinner?
What Time's Dinner?
Mark Watkinson works for The Independent on Sunday's New Review on these illustrations showing food through the decades.
What Time's Dinner?
Illustrator Profile - Mark Watkinson
Illustrator Profile - Mark Watkinson
Illustrator Profile - Mark Watkinson

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