
Why do we have dreams? One animation illustrates when people do different activities in different scenes.

About Li
From portraits to guide maps, and from spot imagery to front covers, Li Zhang’s unique conceptual approach makes her a very popular choice for clients in publishing and advertising. They love the way she quickly understands a brief and finds the right visual language for the project, as well as her professionalism and creativity.
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Similar animations by Li
infographic illustration that tells people what to know about using the Gola card
Mural painting for New York Roosevelt Island Fall Arts Festival 2019.
Illustration is for the Modern weekly cover design
Li's latest news
Prisoners of Covid
Prisoners of Covid
Illustrating for France-Amérique, Li Zhang creates evocative artworks for their article on the Prisoners of Covid.
Prisoners of Covid
Sustainability Choices
Sustainability Choices
The Salvation Army's Peer Magazine commission Li Zhang for an artwork on Sustainability.
Sustainability Choices
Backpacker Magazine ask Li Zhang for a spirited artwork showing the sport of rafting.
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