City map animation

Duvall city map animation with location and new listing icons animated along with nature and vehicles.

About Joseph
Drawing simple, expressive lines to generate an easy, contemporary style, Joseph Carrington has become one of New Zealand’s leading illustrators and his skills attract leading brands from around the world.
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Similar animations by Joseph
Line illustration of elephant scientist
Graphic of dog outside shop
Mural of mission good in restaurant
Joseph's latest news
Disc Golf
Disc Golf
Denver's 5280 Magazine use an illustration by Joseph Carrington for a piece on the popularity of disc golf.
Disc Golf
Strengthen your Wellbeing
Strengthen your Wellbeing
Joseph Carrington's work for New Zealand's Mental Health Foundation gets profiled in Design Assembly.
Strengthen your Wellbeing
Social Media
Social Media
Joseph Carrington illustrates a spread for The Telegraph which looks at caring for your child's mental health on social media.
Social Media
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