16 portraits

Citi asked me to create 16 portraits for their Latin American profiles

About Jonathan
Based in Aberdeenshire, Jonathan Allardyce is a UK artist who not only brings huge experience to each new project he tackles, but a lively style and the ability to create colorful, contemporary pieces that perfectly fit the brief in front of him. Lifestyle images are his strength, which makes him an ideal choice for magazines, newspapers, books and advertising campaigns.
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Jonathan's latest news
Philanthropy and Charity
Philanthropy and Charity
STEP Journal commission Jonathan Allardyce for a cover artwork illustrating their feature on Philanthropy and Charity.
Philanthropy and Charity
Plant-Powered Living
Plant-Powered Living
Jonathan Allardyce helps us to understand more about veganism with his illustrations for Women's Health Magazine.
Plant-Powered Living
Essos and Westeros
Essos and Westeros
Jonathan Allardyce works for 1843 magazine on two light-hearted pieces featuring the economic systems of Essos and Westeros.
Essos and Westeros
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