Ideal for readers of 8 and above, the story follows Eddie who lives with his family and adorable dachshund, Lulu, in the beautiful city of Leipzig in Germany...but one day, into the sunshine of his childhood crept a dark, heavy cloud. Not a rain cloud. Much worse than that. Adolf Hitler came to power.
The book is based on the adult title 'The Happiest Man on Earth' and framed as a conversation between 101-year-old Eddie and his great grandchildren. Inquisitive about their great-grandfather's time spent in concentration camps and his eventual rescue by allied soldiers, the story is accompanied with illustrations by Nathaniel that are both sensitive to the narrative and beautifully crafted.
The author Eddie Jaku passed away last year at the age of 101, and leaves the reader with the warming thought that Life can be beautiful if you make it beautiful. It is up to you.
Buy the book here.