Architecture design of A Piece in The Times by Liam O'Farrell

A Piece in The Times

Liam O'Farrell speaks to The Times about his love of painting much loved homes.

What can be more joyous than a piece of personalised art, amongst the other feathers in Liam O'Farrell's cap are his paintings depicting the much loved homes of people all over the UK. He was recently contacted bt Lisa Grainger of The Times newspaper who was writing an article about artist who take on commissions painting house, Liam tells us a bit more about it,

"I really enjoy doing house portraits, to me, they are not just straight architectural images, they are about the history of the people who live there. When I visit a client, I have a conversation with them about what they see as important about their home. These unique experiences are then incorporated into the painting, so the house and the family history are merged.

An example of this is the featured image of a house in West Compton, Somerset. At the bottom left, you will see a cat with pheasants. The origin of this is that the cat ran away for a few months to move in with a group of pheasants. It wasn’t eating any of them, it just decided to live with them. The gamekeeper put the word out about this curious partnership, tracked down my client and returned the cat."

To read the full article click HERE.

liam o'farrell

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