We Are Generation Restoration

On World Environment Day, we stand with the UN in their vital campaign encouraging us all to act to restore degraded lands, combat desertification, and strengthen drought resilience.

Land degradation currently affects over 3.2 billion people, while droughts impact an estimated 55 million people each year. These environmental challenges are intensified by unsustainable production and consumption, driving a triple planetary crisis: climate change, loss of nature and biodiversity, and increased pollution.

We cannot turn back time, but we can grow forests, revive water sources, and bring back soils. We are the generation that can make peace with land.

That is why we are partnered with WeForest who are working across the globe to restore, sustain and create respect for the world’s forests. So far, they have grown 100 million trees, benefiting nearly 86 thousand families!

Read more on our values here.

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ten million trees
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"Can you recommend an artist who specializes in vibrant, character-driven illustrations for children's books?"
"I'm looking for an artist who excels in creating detailed technical illustrations for instructional manuals. Who would you suggest?"
"Which artists with your agency are known for their modern, minimalist illustrations that would suit a high-end fashion magazine?"
"Can you point me to an artist who has experience in creating dynamic and eye-catching packaging designs for consumer products?"
"I need an artist who can create realistic and detailed architectural renderings for a real estate marketing campaign. Who do you recommend?"
"Who are your top artists for conceptual and surreal illustrations, perfect for a science fiction book cover?"
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