Kavel Rafferty launches her 'Souvenir De Barcelona' collection of posters in the city this evening.
Kavel says "This collection of posters is my homage to Barcelona, still a tourist in the city in some respects, even after four years of living here, I still see the ordinary as exotic. A mix of blue skies, architecture, found typography, street patina, food and drink and daily life. These posters are new souvenirs for both visitors and natives alike. Combining collage, drawing, words and found imagery to create modern posters as keepsakes from a wonderfully inspiring city."
The private view takes place today - Thursday 10th July from 8pm - 10pm and Musical Vermut on Saturday 12th July from 12pm-2pm at LA BARRA DEL PRINCIPAL C/Provenza 286-288 08080 Barcelona.