Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Jessica mixes media and styles, catching the eye by rendering garments in strong colours while generating atmosphere and intrigue through the serene beauty of her models along with smaller details inspired by her background as a landscape artist. She’s an expert when it comes to fabrics and patterns, and makes her own art to sell online while also working for some of the biggest names in fashion and beauty.
Influences include Frida Kahlo and Georgia O’Keefe, and Jessica has a degree in Illustration from Southern Utah University.
Watercolour, gouache, inks, charcoal – Jessica is a natural media purist and rarely works digitally. She draws and paints freely, creating layers that give her work an emotional depth. Recently, she has been applying gouache thickly for an impasto-like finish.Style
With a good mixture of soft textures, crisp details and expressive line work, Jessica’s style is feminine, emotional and has a strong-yet-vulnerable quality to it. Nature, beauty and double exposure are some of the main themes in her illustrations.