Arrest All Mimics Podcast - Slayzytown

Ben Tallon meets the Street Artist to experience a small part of his creative world.

Written by Ben Tallon

Welcome to Slayzytown, where ice cream eyes and inverted pop culture characters are the tip of the ice berg. I meet the south London street artist and illustrator to talk about the weird, wonderful world he creates. How does a modern artist try to make a living whilst staying true to the world they wish to create? Slayzy talks about galleries, prints, sharing the inside of his lively mind with fans of his work and influences from the world of Japanese animation among many others. Come with us on a tour of the town he runs, where anything is possible if you can just pour your mind into a cone and stick a flake in it. Enjoy your stay! 

Get your Slayzytown experiences to us at @arrestallmimics on Twitter



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