About Juliette
Fascinating faces, lively colours, expressive smiles and a touch of eccentricity are what infuse Juliette Toma’s illustrations with their own unique sense of optimism. There’s energy pouring from everything this California artist paints, and her clients find her diligent, responsive and full of fresh ideas for their projects.
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Similar animations by Juliette
Realistic portraiture of "Jojo Siwa" for Rebel Girls book
Los Angeles attractions map design
Photorealistic painting of women Rugby Players for Glorious Sport
Juliette's latest news
Pizza Night
Pizza Night
Juliette Toma draws for DaVinci Wines and All Recipes on a piece about pairing pizza with wine.
Pizza Night
Hollywood Dreams
Hollywood Dreams
With her vivacious style, Juliette Toma creates a selection of illustrations for the LA Times.
Hollywood Dreams
Thanksgiving Hacks
Thanksgiving Hacks
Vibrant illustrations by Juliette Toma are used for the Tums Thanksgiving campaign.
Thanksgiving Hacks

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