About Juliette
Fascinating faces, lively colours, expressive smiles and a touch of eccentricity are what infuse Juliette Toma’s illustrations with their own unique sense of optimism. There’s energy pouring from everything this California artist paints, and her clients find her diligent, responsive and full of fresh ideas for their projects.
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Similar animations by Juliette
Editorial art of Palette power
Realistic art of woman eating ice cream
Casper Dog portrait painting
Juliette's latest news
A Theatrical Tee
A Theatrical Tee
Juliette Toma collaborates with Big Bud Press on a theatre themed T-Shirt design.
A Theatrical Tee
Juliette Toma's SCRAPBOOK
Juliette Toma's SCRAPBOOK
Next in our Interview with an Illustrator series is the unique Juliette Toma.
Juliette Toma's SCRAPBOOK
The Sopranos Audience
The Sopranos Audience
The New York Times publish a striking illustration by Juliette Toma.
The Sopranos Audience

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