Je T'aime Mon Homme typographic

Je T'aime Mon Homme

About Heather
Los Angeles-based illustrator Heather Landis combines old images, found textures and hand-drawn elements to create illustrations in her own unique style. It’s light, whimsical, nostalgic and surreal, conveying contemporary messages for her clients with the authentic feel of classic illustration.
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Heather's latest news
The True Meaning of Dry
The True Meaning of Dry
The Wall Street Journal commission Heather Landis for an artwork to support their feature on the confusion around dry wine.
The True Meaning of Dry
Before MeToo
Before MeToo
Heather Landis creates an illustration for the Oberlin College Alumni Winter issue on legal pioneer Robert Adler.
Before MeToo
Pleasure Coaching
Pleasure Coaching
Heather Landis produces a vintage set of illustrations for Glamour Magazine, Germany.
Pleasure Coaching
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