Fun icon illustrations are created by Fionna Fernandes for a 90s themed puzzle book.
‘New Grids on the Block: Hella '90s Crosswords’ is edited by Francis Heaney and published by Union Square & Co. Fionna was commissioned to work on retro icons in her clean and bright style.
The collection of objects cover the front and back page evoking the theme of the book which contains crossword puzzles targeted at young adults, and lovers of 90s pop culture & aesthetics.
About Fionna
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Fionna Fernandes is a Sydney-based illustrator who enjoys drawing a variety of subject matter: portraits, stickers, landscapes, lifestyle and animals for clients in fashion, editorial, advertising and more. Everything she creates has a touch of fun to it as she selects key details to highlight in a rainbow of colour, adding in patterns as a flourish that give her work its highly individual visual language.
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