Book cover of Sara Powell's Welcome to New York Alyssa


Book Cover for Alyssa.

About Carolina
Surreal and atmospheric, the artwork of Carolina Rodriguez Fuenmayor delivers nuanced tonality thanks to its gorgeous, on-trend colour palettes and delightful juxtaposition of negative space against heavily rendered detail and texture. She has beautifully natural drawing skills, and Carolina’s clients enjoy the way she breaks down themes, coming up with a range of options for them and imaginatively executing the brief.
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Carolina's latest news
Carolina Rodriguez Fuenmayor creates a visual symphony for an annual Write-a-thon.
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Mallory in Full Color
A striking portrait illustration by Carolina Rodriguez Fuenmayor visualises the main character of Elisa Stone Leahy's latest book.
Mallory in Full Color
Carolina Rodriguez Fuenmayor, one of the eight talented artists handpicked by Paramount+, has lent her creative prowess to the beloved Halo franchise.
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