Based in California, Danvillage is a collaboration between illustrator Daniel Sulzberg and animator Casey Ouye. But their skillsets criss-cross in so many ways. Daniel mainly draws but was creative director at Red Bull Cartoon. Casey’s talent is animation informed by his design background. Together, their creativity is unstoppable while their positive professional approach makes them a dream to work with.
Salvador Dali, SpongeBob, Miyazaki, the X-men – Daniel and Casey have an eclectic range of influences but always produce something unique and exciting for their clients.
Usually, Dan sketches, inks and colours in Procreate, moving to Photoshop for the finishing touches on the imagery, which goes to Casey in layers that are brought to life using After Effects, preserving and augmenting the whimsical nature of Daniel’s drawings in a fun and punchy format.Style
Bursting with colour, humour and a laid-back, playful attitude, Danvillage animations feature wild characters that energise their clients’ campaigns. Deft little touches of detail not only add to the humour but support the narrative.