RTS Award Winner

The Mustard Motion team come away with an award for their Karma Nirvana animation at the recent Royal Television Society Awards.

Mustard Motion's Karma Nirvana Awareness animation addresses the illegality of virginity testing in the UK, delivering a poignant and sensitively executed message. Winning an award in the animation category held particular significance for the team.

Matthew describes the night, "It was for the Yorkshire branch of the Royal Television Society Awards. There were many awards handed out on the evening, including a fair few wins for Sarah Lancaster and Sally Wainright for Happy Valleys, plus lots for corporate videos and films celebrating the region. The event was held in the corporate suite of Headingly Cricket ground and was attended by many stars of screen and pitch. We were up against some fairly stiff competition, but as well as mentioning how important the campaign was, the judges also commended us for how powerful the animation affected them. Since 2016, this is our 4th nomination, and 2nd win from the RTS awards, but it’s our first win for an animation, so super special to us!"

Congratulations to Matthew and the Mustard Motion team!

WATCH the award winning animation.

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mustard motion

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