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Season of Victory

Season of Victory

Season of Victory - United Kingdom based illustrator

Linda Baritski, también conocida como SEASON OF VICTORY, es una ilustradora / creativa con sede en Londres (anteriormente Estados Unidos y Japón).
Combining dynamic colour, geometric patterns, and bold illustrations, her optimistic style brings a playful spirit to a diverse range of projects including branding, packaging, editorial, events, mural illustrations, site-specific installations, public art, homeware and much more. The flexibility of her style allows her to collaborate with an eclectic mix of global clients, start-ups and boutique brands, who share a similar appreciation of her vibrant, eye-catching style. Her work has been recognised by everything from Digital Arts Magazine to The Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition.


All of Linda’s work is computer-generated. She begins with sketches and develops them from there, often using photos she’s taken for reference – particularly when it comes to colour palettes.


Dynamic, optimistic, postmodern – Linda’s style explores with pattern, colour and type resulting in bold and playful imagery that often appeals to lifestyle brands.

Lista de clientes

Adidas, Red Bull, Bank of America, Google Play, Donut Time,, Wellbeck Publishing, We Built This City, East End Prints, The Salvation Army, Beefeater Gin y Universal Music Group. Antes de trabajar como autónoma, fue directora de arte para una empresa de medios y también trabajó en agencias digitales y de branding en Londres.
Diseño de etiquetas para latas de cerveza.
Season of Victory
Ilustraciones creadas para la campaña de Kiehl's en París.
Season of Victory
Diseño de etiquetas para latas de bebidas de aluminio.
Season of Victory
Letras dibujadas a mano para Brooklyn Roasters
Season of Victory
Obras de arte únicas para los anuncios de Kiehl's en India
Season of Victory
Gama de envases de café de Brooklyn Roasters
Season of Victory
Diseño de portada de The Caterer Magazine por Season of Victory
Season of Victory
Diseño de reptil colorido para Malbec - vino Pinotage
Season of Victory
Dibujo de portada de la revista OFM de la edición especial de verano
Season of Victory
Camisón de la colección Festival de Peter Alexander
Season of Victory
Season of Victory ofrece ropa de dormir divertida y novedosa.
Season of Victory
Póster ilustrado para el anuncio de Kiehl's en EE. UU.
Season of Victory
Cartel publicitario de Kiehl's Loves SPAIN
Season of Victory
Cartel de viaje de pequeños tuk tuks.
Season of Victory

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