Mural in Mexico City for Casa Hogar Santísima Trinidad

Mexico City Charity Mural

Kavel Rafferty is raising funds to create a mural in Mexico City for Casa Hogar Santísima Trinidad school for deprived girls.

 In January 2020 Kavel will set off to Mexico as part of the Casa Lu artist's residency programme. For 6 weeks, Kavel will develop her skills and experiment with scale, but most importantly she'll share these skills with orphaned and disadvantaged girls from the Casa Hogan Santisima Trinidad School as well as the Casa Lu organisation. She says, "Mexico City is rich in tradition and public art, particularly it's Murals. I was lucky enough to have completed my first Mural in August, here in Thanet at Dreamland, for the Margate Now Festival. I loved working on a large scale and combining my passion for collage, I plan to put this to use in Mexico." To make this project happen, Kavel needs to raise funds for materials and equipment, to find out more, support her and back the project, visit her kickstarter page here.

kavel rafferty
collage and montage
artist in residence

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