illustration of cover book of Declutter by Alyanna Cazlet


The get-real guide to creating calm from chaos is beautifully illustrated by Alyanna Cazlet

Written by Debora Roberston and illustrated throughout by Alyana this book is bursting with practical and relatable advice on how to declutter your home and life. 

Alyana was asked to create the front cover and 20 internal illustrations, bringing the book to life with her expressive and spontaneous line work.

This is the second book that Kyle Book have commissioned Alyana to work on and she really enjoyed creating the artwork, the brief asked her to depict some situations in mundane cluttered life scenario with touch of humour...she also tells us that upon completion she has taken a few bags to charity herself...I think we all could take a leaf out of this book!

Available in all good book stores and online HERE

alyana cazalet
line and wash
front cover

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