Gail Armstrong has won the bronze medal in the Global Healthcare Illustration Awards

A Winner!

Gail Armstrong takes the bronze in the Global Healthcare Illustration Awards!

Organised by the Association of Illustrators and Eradigm Consulting, the awards had over 2000 submissions, including Gail's outstanding papersculptured UN stamps for World Toilet Day.

The jury say "The Bronze award with a cash prize of £1000 goes to United Nations ‘World Toilet Day’ stamp set by Gail Armstrong. WTD (World Toilet Day) raises awareness of the billions of people living without access to safe sanitation. Each of the 3 paper sculpture images depicts one positive outcome of safe sanitation: Health & Hygiene, Sustainable Sanitation - reusing waste water as fertiliser improves nutrition, and Access to Education - access to safe toilets for pubescent schoolgirls. The Jury loved the masterful use of papercraft to create these sculptures and appreciated the delicate interpretation of a perhaps not very delicate, yet important subject for people and the environment's health."

Well done Gail!

paper sculpture
gail armstrong
united nations
aoi awards

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