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Caroline So Live Event Drawing

Caroline So Live Event Drawing

Caroline So Live Event Drawing - illustrator

With an elegant style and a gracious personality, San Francisco illustrator Caroline is a natural when it comes to live portraiture. At the heart of her approach is a belief that art should bring joy to people, and with every portrait she produces her aim is to engage with the guest, make them happy and give them a special memory to take home and keep.
Whether she’s working for a top fashion brand, a tech or lifestyle company, this passion shines through in her art. Crowds gather round to watch Caroline’s brushwork, smiles appear on people’s faces and thanks to the individual touch she brings everyone feels a closer affinity to the brand.


Caroline prepares carefully for every event she attends, making sure the area she draws in is comfortable and inviting for guests. While drawing she talks to each sitter, getting to know them and what they’re passionate about. Little details from the conversation are worked into the final image, ensuring it’s extra special for the recipient.


When she’s drawing at an event, Caroline’s style is fluid and lively, and she uses a variety of pencils, brushes and markers to generate emotion and to give each image depth. Without using a computer to finish the artwork, her live images have a more immediate and intuitive feel.

Client list

Caroline’s live drawing clients have included LaCroix Water, Lenovo, Create and Cultivate, Sugarfina, Fresh Cosmetics and Compass Real Estate.
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing
Caroline So Live Event Drawing

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