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Gen - illustrator

With a soft, dreamlike quality to it, Gen’s artwork revives the romanticism of classic 19th century illustration while delivering contemporary narratives in a fresh and interesting way. Her love of nature flows through her images, which are full of organic curves with gorgeous shading and captivating levels of detail. Gen’s clients really appreciate the beauty of her work.
Based in Nanning, southern China, Gen has been part of the country’s maturing comic book and graphic novel scene. She illustrates her own picture books alongside her illustration commissions and teaches illustration at college level while continuing to pursue her own artistic journey. The way plants grow and burst with vitality inspires Gen, alongside traditional Chinese architecture, Taiwanese folk music, embroidery, sculpture and jade ware. She graduated from Guangxi University with a degree in Fine Art.


Gen varies her approach and choice of media, which ranges from Chinese ink and watercolor techniques through to digital painting. Her palette is restrained and considered – she enjoys working in monochrome – with dashes of bold color used for emphasis.


The real world meets that of spirits and emotions in Gen’s illustrations, generating a unique atmosphere where nature and how we experience it come to the fore. Some of her works have the feel of old engravings.

Client list

Gen’s clients include Tencent, Netease, Relay Publishing, Oxford University Press and Green Culture.

Meet The IllustrationX Art Genie

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